Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today's Video

Dinosaurs with Tim&Moby

The word dinosaurs means terrible lizards. They existed 165million years ago. They died out 5million years ago, way before humans came. So some prehistoric movies might be false. You can find dinosaurs as big as 30meters or as small as a chicken. You can also find dinosaurs with scaly skin, plated skin, horns, and even frills. They can be in all shapes and sizes. Some walk on four legs and some on two. They might live on land, in the sea, and some can even fly! Dinosaurs are very interesting creatures. We can study a lot about them by using the fossils that we found today like Dino skeletons, foot print fossils, droppings, and eggs. Some dinosaurs can be fast, some can be slow. Dinosaurs ruled the earth about 160 million years and was called the most successful animals that ever lived. But 160 million years later, they bite the dust. Most scientists believe a large meteorite hit the earth and killed the dinosaurs. But for whatever reason, dinosaurs are still always fun things to study, just for fun. But the dinosaurs have not died out completely, scientists think some small meat eating dinosaurs have evolved into birds. Dinosaurs are some interesting creatures. Who wants to play fool's ball?

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