Thursday, November 26, 2009

digital etiquitte ( Today's Video)

Digital Etiquette with Tim&Moby

What is digital etiquette? Will digital etiquette, or netiquette, is a series of rules about how to behave online. Like saying sorry if you bump into someone in the digital world or saying sorry if you accidentally gave someone a message like you stink or something. As a matter of fact, it is a lot like the real life etiquette. Digital etiquette is very important in the digital world because you should follow it in digital games, email, blogs, and even chat spots.
BUT, some people might go out of control the minute they jump online. They can spread bad messages on social sites called flames. If the social site is really popular and a lot of people see it, It might become a full on flamewars and every one starts to give out bad messages that they would never say in person. To make matters worse, some people just go around the internet looking to start flamewars. We call these people trolls. Pretty good name for them. Hun? But I personally doesn't think that the troll become a meaner person, they just forget the rules.
On the internet, it is pretty easy to stay anonymous, or unidentified. Having a secret identity can make people really brave. If you tell someone that he is a sucker or something, And he sees your account and the list your name as a icon or a silly thing, like 6u347583757628267**(BLEEP), the victim might forget that he is dealing with a real person. Just like in real life, treat others the way you wanted to be treated on the internet.
BUT, digital etiquette isn't just about being nice, but also communicating clearly. To communicate clearly, please stay to the point and make things easy to read. Like: Hi ms. Enrico. W b l8 for class 2day. See u l8r! From, Guy. See? Can you identify that? Here is the key:Hi Miss.Enrico, Will be late for class today. See you later! That is why you should talk clearly. And please, don't write in all capitals. It will look like you are shouting.
Remember that the internet has a lot of creeps too. But have fun.

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